A few months ago, I had the good fortune to see Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride talk at a
Weston A Price Foundation conference in London. I had already heard of one of her books: Gut and Psychology Syndrome, in which she explains the causal link between imbalances in intestinal flora and various mental disorders such as autism, depression and schizophrenia. While I’d always thought the book sounded very interesting, I hadn’t tried to buy it because I wasn’t personally affected by any of the conditions it focused on.
Hearing her talk, however, made me change my tune. Hers is a very holistic approach, based on her professional and educational background in medicine, neurology and nutrition, and the personal experience of having an autistic child within her family. Campbell-McBride’s research and books may be most specifically aimed at those already suffering from health problems, but they are relevant and useful for anyone interesting in attaining or maintaining good health. I bought both of her books before leaving the conference.
I dived straight into Gut and Psychology Syndrome, and promptly passed it on to a needing friend; this thin book is a veritable bible of good eating advice and nutritional wisdom. I have now just finished reading her second book Put Your Heart in Your Mouth, in which Campbell-McBride focuses on the causes of and suitable, natural treatment for heart disease.